Common Bad Health Habits That Could Harm You

Being able to identify a bad habit is one thing, and being able to identify its dangers is another. We all know about the bad health habits we have that can cause serious health problems – such as consuming junks, smoking, and living a sedentary lifestyle. But what about the ones that seem insignificant, yet may cause health issues down the road? Here’s how to kick them for good.

In this article, I would be sharing certain bad health habits which might seem insignificant but could cause harm to your health, and ways to fix them.

Common Bad Health Habits, Their Effects And Ways To Fix Them.

  1. Skipping Breakfast

There’s no time at all or you’re running late, and grabbing just a coffee for breakfast seems like the only option.

Its Effect: When you skip breakfast, your system slows down in a bid to conserve energy and store calories; this will affect your metabolism and your ability to concentrate. You’ll likely overcompensate by eating more at lunch. Also, studies have that breakfast-skippers are more likely to be not just overweight, but obese.

Fix: Eat within two hours of waking up. The key to a proper breakfast is balancing protein, fat and carbohydrates. You could also have your breakfast packed and taken to the office or school.

2. Biting Your Nails

Repeated biting of nails is often a subconscious response to stress, giving the brain something material to focus on.

Its effects: Due to the fact that germs are transferred directly from your mouth to your nails, you risk causing inflammation and infection to your nail bed as you chew. In extreme cases, the nail bed is permanently damaged. Nail-biting can cause trouble for your teeth as well. Nail-biters may be at higher risk for bruxism – clenching of the jaw that can cause facial pain, headaches, tooth sensitivity, recessed gums and tooth loss.

Fix: Nail biting is a common nervous habit that is often an expression of some deeper anxiety. Ask yourself why you’re feeling anxious. If you can’t figure it out on your own, consider getting professional help. You could also try going for a professional manicure or applying bad tasting polish to your nails. When your nails look pretty or taste bad, it would be hard for you to keep on biting on them.

3.  Eating too fast

bad health habits


You don’t have time to sit down and have a proper lunch or dinner, so you eat in a hurry.

Its effects: Your rushed eating habits can cause acid reflux, bloating and excess gas. It takes your brain 20 minutes to get the message from your stomach that you’re full. So if you inhale your food on a regular basis, chances are you’re packing on extra pounds, too.

The fix: Make an effort to really taste what you’re eating and appreciate the flavours. Physically take yourself away from your desk to eat lunch, and give yourself at least 20 minutes to enjoy it. To slow down, chew slowly and pause between mouthfuls.

4.  Emotional Eating

You are really feeling bad and your best option is to eat your way out.

Its effects: When you eat because of stress, boredom, or depression, you’re not reaching for the celery sticks—you’re much more likely to chow down on chips, cookies, and other unhealthy comfort foods. Frequently subjecting your body to that kind of fatty, sugary calorie rush can lead to obesity, a leading cause of heart disease and diabetes.

Fix: Note what you eat, when and where you eat it, and why you’re eating (Are you hungry? Bored? Stressed? Do you need to relax?), and then rate your hunger before eating on a scale of 1 to 10. If you can’t prevent the snacking, seek out a mental health professional. Emotional eating is emotional hunger transformed into physical hunger.

5.  Late-night Snacking

bad health habits

You find yourself still awake at night and all you want at that time is to munch on something.

Its Effect: Eating late at night in itself isn’t bad for you, but chances are you’re eating cold pizza slices instead of apple slices. Adding those extra calories does the late-night damage. Snacking late at night can also exacerbate symptoms for those prone to heartburn, as lying down after eating makes it easier for stomach acid to flow into the esophagus.

Fix: Eating late at night is often done because of boredom, not hunger. Once the craving hits, focus on an activity that engages you until it’s time to go to sleep, such as e-mail, a crossword puzzle, or meditation.


Which of these habits are you fond of? Having known the effects of these bad health habits, I think its high time you ditched them and gave your health a boost.

Check here for more common bad health habits and why you need to ditch them.