A case of miscarriage really is bad news and a thing of sadness for every expecting couple. The term miscarriage is used for pregnancy that ends involuntarily within the first 20 weeks. No expecting mother wants lose a pregnancy – none! But sadly, it has been discovered that about 15-20% of pregnancies will end in a miscarriage. Awful, right?
A pregnancy is most likely to be lost to a miscarriage than any other “condition”. It is for this reason that everyone must be aware of ways to prevent this whether you are a lady or not. Men, in fact, need this information so that they can support their wives especially in the first trimester in order to prevent a miscarriage.
What could cause a miscarriage?
Even though you cannot usually identify the cause of a miscarriage, more often than not, it is caused by genetic abnormalities during the first trimester phase. In other words, pregnancies at this stage of development are lost when something is wrong with the chromosomes of the baby. This is probably as a result of a damaged sperm or egg cell when the zygote (fertilized egg cell) is dividing. There is really no control over this problem no matter how much you care for the pregnancy.

This is, however, not the only cause of miscarriages. Other causes include:
- Unhealthy lifestyle: malnutrition, smoking, drug use, exposure to radiation and consumption of caffeine in excessive quantities
- Age of the mother
- Maternal trauma
- When the implantation of the egg into the uterine does not happen as it should have
- Infections or hormonal problems in the mother etc.
Sex has not been proven to be a cause of miscarriage as also moderate exercise and even working outside the home (except in a harmful environment).
- Regulate and control your blood sugar level: Diabetic or not, all pregnant women should monitor and control their blood sugar level. Consumption of sugary foods must be moderate.
- Stop taking harmful substances: Drinking of alcoholic beverages, smoking and drug use must be stopped for the sake of the baby.
- Stress Management: 60 percent of pregnant women are likely to have miscarriages due to stress. It is therefore important for stress to be managed properly during pregnancy. A pregnant should take time out to rest well and do some moderate workout. It has been discovered that pregnant women tend to be happier, calmer and more in charge when stress is properly managed.
- Be mindful of coffee intake: In taking coffee, caffeinated beverages and tea, let your doctor be your guide. At best, caffeine should be avoided generally.
- Consult Your Doctor: Before any medication is used, the consent of a gynecologist must be obtained. Pain killers like ibuprofen and Diclofenac have been discovered to increase the risk if miscarriages. Also, wrong use of medication, aside from miscarriages, is also responsible for fetal deformation.
How much do you think an unhealthy lifestyle affects a pregnancy? Please share your comment on this in the comment section below. You can also ask your questions here.