How To Avoid Big Belly During Pregnancy

When it comes to big belly pregnancy, trust me, no woman wants to have a big protruded belly.

As a matter of fact, we all wish to ditch the extra weight that comes with pregnancy and probably stick to our size 8 (including waist and hips) if we had to make a choice. Unfortunately, that is slightly impossible because we’ve got a beautiful baby (or babies, as the case may be) to grow in that beautiful womb of ours. So, again, a big belly is not a choice.

Thanks to the latest trendy news of Nigerian blogger, Linda Ikeji, who recently shocked everyone with the news of her pregnancy (I mean, no one saw that coming), we are again reminded that we can take proper care of ourselves and look good, toned and healthy during pregnancy without a super big belly or baby bump.

So, if your goal is to look fit, have a small tummy and be healthy during pregnancy, then here are some tips to help you.

1. Avoid sugar and junk carbs

big belly

Weight gain is definitely a part of pregnancy to be prepared for. However, the extent to which you add the extra weight and big belly is determined by your choice of foods.

Sugar, sugary foods, and processed carbs like white bread, pasta, cereals, baked foods, are broken down into blood sugar (if they aren’t completely used up as fuel in the body) and are stored in your adipose tissues as fat (usually distributed around the stomach, hips, and bust).

So, limit the extent to which you take in these kinds of food, especially around your first trimester when you literally crave for just anything.

Opt for fruits instead but be sure to do everything in moderation especially when opting for sugary fruits like oranges, pineapples, and the likes. Excess of these fruits can end up resulting in the same reaction as the processed sugar and carbs.

ALSO READ: 6 Nigerian Foods Every Pregnant Woman Should Eat

2. Eat protein and healthy fats

big belly

Proteins (lean proteins especially) are an excellent choice of meals when it comes to choosing healthy meals. Try consuming more proteinous foods to keep you fuller longer

Also, most people avoid taking in fats in a bid to keep the extra weight and big belly at bay. However, eating healthy fats like avocado oil, quality butter, and the likes provide you with the means for the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E & K to be absorbed into your system.

Also, note that these healthy fats are crucial for not only your wellbeing but your baby’s development also.

3. Get enough sleep and rest

big belly

Something about the human body is that it adapts and recovers to changes during rest/sleep. Which is why you need to consciously get yourself to relax and sleep well every now and then. If it is possible, get an entire week off to rest after every 6-7 weeks of work

4. Opt for fun exercises to scare the big belly away

big belly

Exercise is a very crucial part of this journey and to make sure you maintain a healthy exercise routine during pregnancy, be sure to opt for exercise(s) that you enjoy. Do not go for a particular routine if you don’t enjoy it just because you heard it’s good for pregnant women.

You can modify your exercise programs by reducing duration and intensity and generally having fun while at it so that you can keep up with your routine until birth.

5. Listen to your body

As much as you wish to keep fit and stay in shape while pregnant, learn to know your limits and listen to your body’s every need just so you don’t hurt yourself or your baby in the process of trying to keep fit at all cost.

Also, it is important you talk to your doctor for professional advice about every new thing (routine) you wish to consider.


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