You Won’t Believe These Foods Contain More Calcium Than A Glass Of Milk

At the mention of calcium, the first thing that always pops into the head is milk, Yay or Nay? Thanks to most of our TV adverts.

No doubt milk is one of the cheapest and healthy sources of calcium so it is expected to always take the top position in our mind.

But like every other thing, gulping a glass of milk every day in a bid to meet our daily requirement intake can be tiring and monotonous.

So, how else do we supply the body with the recommended daily intake (RDI) of calcium, which is 1,000 mg per day for most adults, required?

Good news.. Here are some healthy foods you need to start taking.

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1. Sardine


One cup sardine contains about 569 mg calcium which is about 57% of your daily recommended intake.

Sardine, like any other canned oily fish, provides high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your heart, brain, and skin.

2. Dark leafy greens


Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, jute (ewedu) and the likes are rich in calcium, ranging from about 120 mg – 266 mg depending on the type of vegetable.

These vegetables are commonly referred to as boosters and are super healthy.

3. Almonds


One cup almond contains about 378 mg calcium which is about 38% of your daily recommended intake.

Almonds are not only good sources of these nutrients but also great sources of fibre and vitamin E and are great brain boosters as well.

4. Yogurt


One cup low-fat yogurt contains about 300 mg calcium which is about 45% your daily recommended intake.

Yogurt is also known to improve the quality of your overall diet and your metabolic health.

5. Okra


One cup of sliced okra contains 124 mg which is about 12% daily recommended intake.

Taking any of these foods alongside your regular cup of milk will definitely leave you enjoying the many benefits of calcium like healthy bone and teeth, weight management, blood pressure, heart health and a whole lot more.