Every woman desires to carry a pregnancy without itches. More so, they all desire to have a safe and sound delivery. Carrying a pregnancy can be overwhelming. I am not a woman, true; but I know it can really be overwhelming because I have seen ladies go through this phase a couple of times.
A woman carries a baby in her womb for about 40 weeks. This period is divided into three phases called trimesters.
- First trimester: week 1 to the 12th week
- Second trimester: week 13 to the 28th week
- Third trimester: week 29 to the 40th week

The first trimester, a very important phase, is usually very challenging for most pregnant women. Usually, during this phase, most pregnant women undergo two kinds of changes:
- Psychological changes and,
- Physiological changes
During this first trimester phase, the vital organ of the baby develops and an expectant mother in this phase needs to apply a lot of care and caution during this period. In other words, there are some precautions, call it safe practices, that one in this phase must engage in to increase her chances of having a safe and sound delivery.
So here are things every pregnant woman should always do and observe, to have a smooth ride ahead:
- Ensure you take enough calcium from milk sources every day in other to have a good pregnancy experience.
- Make sure you consume the right amount of calories and fat from the variety of food you consume, such as legumes, meats, poultry eggs and whole grains, to have a healthy pregnancy.
- Endeavor to take enough vitamin D from most food substances like fish liver oil, egg yolks, fortified milk and endeavor to take adequate amount of sunlight from the sun. Trust me, your body needs this.
- Avoid eating anyhow; eat right. Ensure you eat the adequate amount of food needed, to avoid complications and to feed and nourish the baby in your womb. You sure would want a healthy baby, won’t you?
- More also, there is a standard amount of weight every pregnant woman should gain in other to have your baby grow optimally, these weights are usually between 0.5-2kg per first trimester.
- As a pregnant woman try to have some good and moderate exercise, this will help you ease out most pains, increasing your strength and stamina, which eventually prepares you for the most difficult work (labour) ahead, during delivery.
- Always ensure you visit your doctor regularly as expected, because regular check-up gives you a straight visa to detect or find out any complication that could actually destroy the pregnancy, so visiting your doctor can avert the chance of miscarriage and bad labour.
- Try having some good rest. You really need this during this trimester phase. Hormonal changes can wear you out and so you need enough nap to replenish them constantly.
- Please try as much as you can to drastically cut off caffeine. Most caffeine consumption in excess may increase the chance of having miscarriage, which I believe is never your desired experience.
- Finally, take enough fluid. Your blood requires enough fluid to increase the amount of oxygen and nutrient you and your baby need, to stay healthy.
I sure hope you will follow these rules. Do have a safe and sound delivery when the time comes.
Please feel free to share this article with anyone in this phase. Have you been pregnant before, kindly share your experiences or another’s experience during this phase in the comment section below. You can also ask your questions here.