Banana has been proven over time to be a fruit that does beyond smoothen your voice box and deal with stomach issues. Beyond the nutritional benefits, banana does have its effect on the sex life of a man. Eating just about two or three bananas before the act can boost libido and sexual desire in men.
Here’s how:
First, bananas are very rich in potassium. And potassium is a key booster of testosterone, which is the male sex hormone. This in turn boosts the man’s libido, making him last longer in bed. Bananas also contain vitamin B and bromelain which are key minerals in regulating testosterone levels, hence boosting performance in bed. The bromelain enzyme is also known for reversing impotence in men.
Also, banana contains both magnesium and manganese which helps boost prostate health in men. They also help the male reproductive organs operate at optimum level.
Thirdly, there is a component in bananas known as tryptophan and that helps to regulate secretion of a “mood” hormone. This hormone is known as serotonin. Serotonin boosts your mood and consequently your sex drive. Bananas are also good for easing off all those nervous feelings you get especially with the new girl.
Finally, bananas give you the required energy. This bright yellow fruit is rich in carbohydrates, potassium and riboflavin. These are great sources of energy boosters. This explains why a lot of people have bananas before hitting the gym. Bananas also increases blood circulation to the “down there” area. This circulation does well to boost libido.
[ctt template=”8″ link=”8Ua1f” via=”yes” ]Banana contains both magnesium and manganese which helps boost prostate health in men[/ctt]
Now you see that banana does more than ease constipation and make your voice sound better. The next time you want to wow your partner in the “other room” or you are looking to boost libido, try taking some bananas and see how it goes!