3 Often Overlooked Healthy Nigerian Fruits You Should Try Out

Most often, when we think about fruits, what comes to mind automatically are the common fruits. Watermelons, oranges, papayas and mangoes are some of the most common local fruits. These fruits alongside some other non-native fruits are the constituents of the average Nigerian’s fruit combo. But have you really tried ALL Nigerian fruits?

In as much as oranges, watermelons, bananas, mangoes and the other common, local Nigerian fruits are quite healthy, there might be some fruits you haven’t tried. So, if you are looking to get some new exciting burst of fruity goodness, why not try a whole new set of fruits altogether? Some of these fruits are quite common, but are often ignored in the market stalls for lack of knowledge. The health benefits of these Nigerian fruits are quite amazing and will definitely get you interested.

3 Often Overlooked Healthy Nigerian Fruits

Well, let’s meets some of the less common members of the Nigerian fruit family. Maybe youre familiar with them?

  1. Star apple

    Nigerian apples
    Pink Rose apples

    This local variety of fruit, which is actually not a family to apples, is a mostly forgotten member of the Nigerian fruits colony. The star apple, also called star plum is a member of the plum family that is rich in fiber, vitamins E, A, and C as well as phosphorus and magnesium. It comes in different sizes, and colors. The unripe fruit is often a shiny light green color. Ripe fruits vary from a light rosy pink to a red, almost wine-colored variety. The fruit Is quite crunchy and juicy also. The next time you sight this beauty give it a try, will you? And look out for the ripeness. Although not as sugary sweet as common apples, they are great to snack on, and quite cheaper.


2. Soursop
Soft inside but prickly skinned fruit
The soursop fruit

: Is an evergreen tree from which we get this tangy, spiky fruit. Soursop grows in the Americas and the Mediterranean, and of course in Nigeria, it loves the humid weather. Soursop is much more common on the streets of Lagos than it was before. Despite its spiky exterior, this fruit is all sweet and mushy inside, quite the cliché, don’t you think? The soft white pulp is perfect for smoothies, sorbets and even to flavor your ice creams. If you haven’t tried it already cos of the dull exterior, please do so ASAP. It is rich in vitamins C, B1 and B2. But, the seed is possibly toxic and must not be swallowed.

3. Velvet Tamarind
Black velvet tamarind.
Health benefits of velvet tamarinds

: Well, a lot of ‘90s kids probably know a thing or two about the velvet tamarind  fruit. They are sold in bunches, and are likely seasonal fruits. The velvet exterior (damask or apoche-like) of the small nuts on their dry, spindly stems will help identify them. Also known as Awin in Yoruba and Icheku in Igbo, the various parts of the tree are useful to different people. Ghanaians make a dish from the leaves, and the wood is also very useful. The soft pulp inside the hard-velvety shell is the real deal. Rich in vitamin C, the pulp helps to fight microbial outbreaks. The stem is used as chewing sticks and the leaves: a variety of herbal remedies are allocated to it,


Which of these fruits are you very familiar with or which are you a big fan of? Share your experience with us. What other Nigerian fruits do you believe are currently being under-appreciated ?