Today, hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases are continually on the rise, among both young and old people. Studies have repeatedly shown that poor feeding habit is a major contributor to the development of many of these diseases. Hence, the popular saying that you are what you eat. Consequently, the need to balance satisfaction with healthy living by opting for foods that are good for your body cannot be overemphasized. In this post, we highlight 5 easily available Nigerian foods that are healthy for the heart and protective against hypertension and other heart diseases.
1. Ewedu

Ewedu is a common Nigerian food, usually a part of the popular Abula soup. It is a dark green, easily digestible vegetable that is rich in nutrients such as antioxidants. It also contains iron, which the body needs to produce blood and guard against conditions like anemia. Including Ewedu in your diet is always a good option for your heart and other organs.
2. Unripe plantain flour

Unripe plantain is one of the foods recommended in the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. Plantain contains minerals such as iron and potassium. The latter is specifically useful in controlling your heart rate and blood pressure, thus reducing your risk of hypertension. Unripe plantain also contains serotonin, which helps your heart vessels to dilate and facilitate smooth blood flow and consequently protecting you against myocardial infarction (heart attack).
3. Bitter Leaf Soup

Known as Ewuro by the Yorubas and Onugbo by the Igbos, Bitter Leaf soup is a Nigerian delicacy that is not only delicious but also healthy. Studies have shown that bitter leaf reduces the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body and increases the amount of good cholesterol (HDL). This makes the leafy green vegetable a trustworthy agent in the fight against hypertension and other heart diseases.
4. Avocado

The “Butter Fruit” or Avocado Pear is the fruit commonly known as Pear by Nigerians. Regardless of what we call it, avocados are one of the best heart-healthy fruits available in Nigeria. They contain unsaturated fats that help to enhance the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the bad ones (LDL). So whether as an addition to your salads and smoothies or consumed plain, avocados are always a good option.
5. Zobo (Hibiscus Tea)

Zobo is derived from Roselle flowers, known as Ishapa in Yoruba. It is a healthy and readily available drink in Nigeria that is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Studies have shown Zobo to offer a lot of health benefits, including controlling blood pressure, reducing the levels of bad cholesterol, boosting appetite, preventing cancers and fighting off infections. However, it is important to note that Zobo that is sold on the street may not be as effective as it may contain sweeteners and other unhealthy additives. Thus, for maximum benefits, it is advisable to obtain the hibiscus leaves yourself and make some home Zobo for you and your family.
Ultimately, this list is not exhaustive as there are many other locally available Nigerian foods that are helpful for your heart and overall health. Ensure to talk to your nutritionist and dietician for more information on foods that are tailored towards your health needs.
Abbreviations in this post:
HDL: High Density Lipoprotein
LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein
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