7 Nigerian Foods That Are Healthier Than You Think

Food (either Nigerian foods or not) is important for health and growth of our body organs and cells.

So, making the right choice(s) when it comes to what we put in our mouths should be of great importance and priority to us. Hence, the need to know what is nutritious to our body and what isn’t.

However, in a bid to giving our body what is good and right, we don’t have to stick to one particular meal type (mostly fruits, veggies and smoothies) simply because we know of one or two health benefits in it neither should we be faced with a bowl of veggies today and be back with a bowl of ice cream tomorrow as a way of balancing our meals. This certainly isn’t the type of balanced diet that is good for our health.

ALSO READ: Why Healthy Eating is Important For Everyone

So, let’s check it out! health benefits/nutrirional value of some Nigerian foods we probably didn’t term healthy in the first place.

1. Corn

Nigerian foods

Although a starchy grain, one cup of corn kernels has 5 grams of protein, 4 grams of fibre which is more than 25 percent of the daily recommendation, and energy-producing B-vitamins.

It is also a good source of carotenoid antioxidants that support immune, eye and skin cells from oxidation.

The starch and fibre combo in corn, however, provides sustained energy release that can help with blood sugar regulation.

See more health benefits of corn here.

2. Whole Eggs

Nigerian foods

Whole eggs (plus yolk and albumen) are low in calories, rich in protein, and provide 19 valuable vitamins and minerals including choline and lutein, which support healthy nerve and muscle function.

Although the yolk of eggs contains cholesterol, the cholesterol content isn’t high enough to cause any problem in your blood cholesterol.

3. Chicken

Chicken is a high protein rich food with about 31g protein per every 100g chicken.

It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals. For instance, vitamins B content in chicken helps prevent cataracts and skin disorders, boosting immunity, eliminating weakness, regulating digestion, and improving the nervous system. They are also helpful in preventing migraine, heart disorders, gray hair, high cholesterol, and diabetes, among many other benefits.

4. Peanut butter

Nigerian foods

Do you know that about 30% of your daily calories should come from fats?

Thankfully peanut butter is a source of healthy fats that’s rich in protein, fibre and vitamin E which is needed by the body for proper functioning.

For a healthier option of peanut butter, Just be sure to avoid peanut butters with added sugar, salt, or trans fats.

5. Pepper soup

Pepper soup is majorly made with pepper and a few other ingredients like fish or meat (Goat meat preferably) and spices that makes this dish rich in vitamins and minerals like, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, sodium and Potassium.

These many minerals and vitamins in pepper soup makes it healthy with so many health benefits like antioxidant property, anticancer property, blood pressure controller and a host of other benefits.

6. Beef

Nigerian foods

Beef offers the body important minerals like iron, zinc and selenium. Iron helps deliver oxygen to tissues and organs, while zinc supports the immune system

Beef is also known to contain some saturated fat, but about half of the fats found in beef are healthy monounsaturated.

ALSO READ: Is Red Meat Really That Bad For Your Health

7. Irish Potatoes

One medium potato has 165 calories, 5g fibre, 4g protein, 10% of your daily iron and 70% of your daily vitamin C needs, which makes it a healthy option for you.

Healthy living isn’t as boring as we sometimes think after all. At least, thanks to these Nigerian foods, healthy eating and healthy lifestyle is worth a try.


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