Best And Worst Foods for Your Heart

Can foods cause heart diseases?

Nutrition is important in every aspect of human health. Foods can affect the structure and function of major organs of the body such as the heart and the brain. The heart performs an important role of supplying oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. For this, it needs to be nourished with essential nutrients. Also, foods that contain substances that are harmful to the heart should be avoided because they can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

In choosing your daily meals, there are nutrients which are known to be highly beneficial to the heart. These nutrients make up a heart-friendly diet. Below are some heart-healthy foods to include in your diet:

A plate showing best foods for a healthy heart

Whole Grains

Whole grains such as corn, millet, wheat, and oats are top choices to prevent diseases including heart disease, cancer and diabetes. They are high in fiber and antioxidants, helping to regulate cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.

Leafy greens and vegetables

Leafy greens are rich in nutrients including antioxidants, soluble fibers, vitamins and minerals.  These nutrients can be obtained from plants such as spinach, jute leaf, broccoli and kale. Also, soluble fibers promote the removal of excess cholesterol in the blood by binding to them.

Carrots and sweet potatoes

Root vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes are top heart-healthy foods. Carrots and potatoes are abundant in beta-carotene (vitamin A), vitamins, potassium, etc.  Antioxidants protect blood vessels from damage. Also, potassium helps to maintain a normal blood pressure which is important for a healthy heart.

Protein-rich foods

Low intake of proteins can cause a rise in blood pressure. Foods such as legumes, lean meat and soy help reduce cholesterol and maintain a healthy weight. In addition, replacing processed red meat with plant sources of protein is good for the heart.

Omega-3 rich foods

Foods rich in unsaturated (healthy) fats such as omega-3 prevent inflammation. Examples include fish that are rich in omega-3 (salmon, tuna and trout), nuts, almonds, avocados, soybean oil, etc.

ALSO READ: 8 Nigerian Foods that are Heart-Friendly

UP NEXT: Here are some worst foods to avoid:

A plate of junk foods like pizza, burger and ice-cream.

Added sugars

Food manufacturers introduce extra sugars into foods to improve their tastes. Unlike natural sugars in carbohydrates and vegetables, the body does not digest added sugars properly. Sugars in ice creams, cakes, sweetened drinks, etc. can cause inflammation, weight gain, increased blood pressure, and poor glucose regulation. The amount allowed for women is 6 teaspoons (24g)/day, and 9 teaspoons(36g)/day for men

Saturated fats and fried food

Saturated (unhealthy) fats contribute to heart disease. Fried foods such as fries, fried chicken, and burgers contain high amounts of these fats. They increase cholesterol which can narrow blood vessels and reduce blood flow.


The American Heart Association recommends a maximum of 2300mg/day, which is only about 1 teaspoon. High salt intake can increase blood pressure. When blood pressure rises, the heart has to beat with more force to be able to pump blood throughout the body.

ALSO READ: How much sodium should I eat per day?

Processed (and unprocessed) red meats

Red processed meats such as bacon, sausage and hot dogs increase the level of bad cholesterol. Also, red meat produces certain chemicals which are associated with heart diseases during the digestion.


Heavy alcohol intake can cause weakening of heart muscles, irregular heart rhythm, high blood pressure or stroke. Alcohol can also be a source of extra calories causing weight gain, a risk factor for heart disease. Hence, alcohol intake should be zero or minimal to avoid health problems.

Now that you have learnt about the best and worst foods for your heart, let’s play a game:

Classify each of the foods listed below into two categories- to eat or to avoid. Drop your answers as comments.

  1. Noodles and suya
  2. Fried yam and akara
  3. Gala and soda
  4. Boiled/grilled fish
  5. Unripe plantain porridge
  6. Moinmoin
  7. Ewedu and gbegiri.
  8. Beans and Corn Porridge

Until next time, stay hearty! Subscribe here for more updates from us.