Common Brain Damaging Habits You Need To Stop Now

Amazingly, the brain is one of the most important organs in the human body and yet the most ignored. So many habits people engage in today are brain damaging habits.

Some of them seem harmless but they are nonetheless brain damaging as the brain is very delicate. If you find that you are guilty of any of these, don’t feel so bad. Just make a move to change, an immediate one.

Brain Damaging habits

Brain Damaging Habits.

  • Top on the list is skipping breakfast. When you skip breakfast, you deprive the brain of needed nutrients. This is because after a long night without supply of nutrients to the brain, there is need to break the fast. Else, you have the brain operating at lesser capacity. As inconsequential as it seems, breakfast is about the most important meal of the day. It shouldn’t be missed.

Brain Damaging habitd

  • Smoking. The adverse effects of smoking on the human body is not hidden. One of them is what is known as ‘multiple brain shrinkage’. It is also a suspect cause of dementia.

Brain Damaging Habits

  • Air pollution. This is almost unavoidable as everywhere is full of air pollution but it can be curtailed. For proper functioning, the brain needs sufficient amount of oxygen. Continuous inhalation of polluted air cuts down the oxygen supply to the brain, reducing its efficiency.

Brain Damaging Habits

  • Lack of adequate sleep: Sleep deprivation in the long run speeds up the death of brain cells which is brain damaging. We are going to need the brain cells active for as long as we can, hence anything that opposes it is a threat to the brain as a whole. As much as you can, ensure you have enough sleep on a daily basis. Piling up sleep debt is equally unhealthy.

Brain Damaging Habits

  • Lack of stimulating brain activities. When you don’t stretch the brain by using it, it shrinks! Whether it is by thinking, engaging in brain developing games or having mind engaging talk, do all you can to improve and expand your brain’s capacity continuously
