Reproductive health entails complete wellbeing in all matters having to do with the reproductive system.
The WHO further says that “reproductive health implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so.”
Sexuality is a big part of human life. It is fundamental to our person. It is what divides humanity into 2 large equal classes- male and female. That’s why we cannot ignore reproductive health.
Nigerian women often lack autonomy over their own bodies. This hinders them from using birth control when they would have liked to. Hence the high fertility rate- about 5 births per woman. Their husbands also have a disproportionate say in how or even whether they can seek medical care for reproductive matters. This contributes to our high maternal mortality (572 in 100,000 live births).
The post aims to raise basic awareness of what women can do to further their reproductive health.
Why Reproductive Health Awareness Matters
Reproductive health is at the heart of women’s well-being in Nigeria. When women have access to the right information and services, they can make better choices about their health and their futures. This means fewer unintended pregnancies, lower risks of STIs, and safer childbirths. By talking about these issues and raising awareness, we’re helping women take charge of their lives and creating a healthier, more balanced society where everyone can thrive.

A reproductive health awareness campaign in Nigeria
Key Areas of Focus in Reproductive Health
Family Planning
Family planning helps you determine how many children you want to have and how often you want to have them. You may use natural methods like the calendar method. This involves tracking your ovulation/menstrual cycle to determine when you’re most fertile and so avoid sex then. However, the most efficient forms of family planning are artificial. There are several groups: barrier methods like female condoms and cervical caps as well as hormonal methods like “the pill”, injectables and implants. Barrier methods are more effective at protecting against STIs. The hormonal methods are more effective for preventing unwanted pregnancy.
Sexual Health Education
You should avoid risky sexual behaviors. These include having multiple sexual partners, one-night-stands and sex without protection. These behaviors all increase your risk of contracting STDs as well as unwanted pregnancy
Maternal Health
It is important to register your pregnancy early enough and begin antenatal care. This will help to prepare you and your baby for the strain of labour and delivery. Antenatal care will also help to anricipate possible problems of pregnancy qnd solve them on time. Regarding birth, it is recommended for you to deliver in a hospital under a skilled health provider like a doctor, nurse or midwife.
Menstrual Health
Menstruation is normal and should not cause you shame. Just ensure you follow menstrual hygiene. While on your period, you should not wear a pad for the whole of a day. But change it every 4-6 hours. Wash your privates twice a day with lukewarm water and soap, not special cleansers. Explore reusable pads if you can’t afford
How to Promote Reproductive Health Awareness
Schools, NGOs and government should spread this message of reproductive health. Schools can include this material as health and sex education in their curriculums while governments and can create information campaigns on traditional and on social media.
Women are generally financially disadvantaged in Nigeria. This put many of these steps out of reach for them. The government should subsidise maternal care, family planning and menstrual products for women and girls. Healthy women means healthy children and that is our country’s future.
You as a reader can support reproductive health awareness by contributing to organisations that promote this goal. Or you could start by simply sharing this post.