How to Properly Remove Dirt From Your Eye

Your eyelashes and eyelids make you look good, no doubts. But these fine hairs do more than just aesthetics. They are in fact part of an interesting group of structures primarily designed to prevent foreign bodies from entering into your eyes. But as much as the eyes are protected, they are also quite exposed and sometimes, dust and dirt still find their ways into them. We have all experienced it; the itchy sensation that comes from the presence of strange entities in the eyes. Many people would rigourously rub their eyes to get rid of the foreign particles. But many times, this only worsens the situation. So how can you safely remove dirts from your eyes without causing further damage to them?

Flush It

This is an easy and quite effective way to remove dirt from the eye. Ensure your hands are clean. Then fill the hands with clean lukewarm water. Then place the eye into the water and try to blink. As you blink, the water will get into your eyes and should flush out the dirt. You can also simply achieve this by lowering your eyes in a bowl of clean water and blink.

Use an eyedropper

Eyedroppers are not only useful for secondary school chemistry practicals. They might just be all you need to get that dirt out of your eye. Fill a eyedropper halfway with lukewarm water. Then hold your eye open with a clean hand and drop the water in it. The water should push the dirt out of your eye. Note that this may not work with the first drop. So you have to keep trying until you feel some relief.

Use a Washcloth

Another thing you can do to remove dirt from your eyes is to get a clean, damp warm washcloth and place it over your eyes. The warmth and moisture from the washcloth should cause your eyes to tear and the tears can help push out the dirt.

If any of these tips to irrigate your eyes do not work when they catch a dirt, you should head to a hospital as soon as possible. Remember; don’t rub!

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