Is depression really a sign of weakness?
After revealing she’s been a depression victim for a while, this Nigerian lady receives ill-treatment from her friends.
Facebook user, Godwin Praise Peggy, took to Facebook to express how disappointed she was at her friends who refused to help after she cried out for help as a result of depression in a post she captioned,
“For a long period of years I have been battling depression, I had one of my very psychological episodes 3days back. I was so messed up that I posted on my WhatsApp status “help” “depression has kicked in again” what did people do? They just viewed the post and nobody even bothered to chat me up, call and find out what was going on with me. Now, take for example Onyinye John who just passed away, everybody is now writing poems and saying how amazing she was like she’s gonna read it from the spirit land.
My point, ”Pray for me now that I’m alive, call me now I’m alive, tell me you love me now I’m alive so I don’t feel alone”. Don’t write episodes for me when I’m gone. To hell with fake friends, To hell with fake love. Call the people you care about when you can. Pause for a while from chasing money and appreciate the people God has put in your life at one point or the other. Don’t wait till they die before you start claiming heaven and hell. I wish I could say goodnight but what the hell is good about this night?”
The dance specialist, Peggy, who expected a different reaction from people was however shocked when rather than being pitied and cared for, was slammed by social media users who felt she was a weakling by announcing that she was suffering depression further took to Instagram to express her pains.
“So over the weekend, I posted this on my facebook about my battle with depression and about how you should appreciate those who are with you when they are still alive. I came under fire from some social media trolls about how I shouldn’t have posted my personal problems online and how it shows I’m a weakling.
Well, I guess you only enjoy when I dance and entertain you and you want me to always smile to fake happiness but when I have depression issues, I should die in silence? I have started this fight against depression and I’m not giving up. #fightagainstdepression #speakup #dontdieinsilence,” she captioned the post.
Is depression really a sign of weakling?
Depression is actually a disorder caused by excessive sadness, loss of interest in enjoyable things, and low motivation and according to World Health Organisation, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression.
So, how do you know you’re depressed or a person around you is?
1. Depression makes you feel miserable as you soon lose interest/pleasure in exciting activities.
2. It causes you to lose appetite which eventually leads to a rapid weight loss OR increased cravings which makes you gain excess weight.
3. Loss of sleep is also another symptom of depression even after feeling exhausted.
4. It also slows your concentration and ability to think and make good decisions.
The good news, however, is that depression can be managed and controlled. How, right?
1. Medications
For mild to moderate depression, antidepressant medications are not often recommended as the first line of action.
However, it’s advisable to visit your doctor before proceeding with any form of medication.
2. Relax more
Make time out to relax and rest as this will help you relieve symptoms of depression, reduce stress, and boost feelings of joy and well-being.
3. Eat right
Reduce the intake of foods that can adversely affect your brain and mood, such as caffeine, alcohol, trans fats, and foods with high levels of chemical preservatives.
Eating fresh and healthy meals, on the other hand, will help you feel better and less grumpy.
4. Exercise regularly
Not only will exercising with others help you to spend time socializing, it will also help to stay you motivated and feel good.
Just because a person suffers depression doesn’t make him/her a weakling because a good number of us suffer from it as well.
The most important thing is to take care of yourself as you manage and deal with it in a healthy manner.