School’s Resuming: 10 Foods to Boost Your Child’s Memory

It’s about that time when parents can breathe a huge sign of relief. It’s a new month, and the looonng holidays finally have an end in sight. It’s a countdown to resumption; that school fees collation moment. As you go about the frenzy of back to school shopping, ticking out those items on the long list, how prepared are your kids? Its been about six weeks away from consistent academic activity and lots of play time. How can you help your little darlings get ready for the demands of school on their brains? How do you boost their memory ?

Regulating bedtime back to school days routine is a very important step forward. But aside daily routines and back to school shopping the food your child eats has a lasting effect on their cognitive abilities. Proper nutrition can not be over-emphasized, particularly for young children with developing brains. Your overactive toddler requires maximum nutrient to fuel not ust their bones but their imaginations as well

So, we compiled a list of healthy super-foods that can aid your child’s brain health and memory. Hope these simple tips help you get the best for your kids.

10 Foods To Boost Memory and Cognitive Abilities

  1. Leafy Greens
    leafy greens for memory
    Eat your greens ~ spinach, broccoli, curly lettuce and asparagus. Healthy eating.

    These green leafy vegetables are quite available and affordable in local markets. High in folate (folic acid) and vitamins, that help your kids’ brains develop well and healthy. Efo riro and different types of local soups already include leafy greens, most kids avoid them. ALSO READ: FUN WAYS OF EATING VEGETABLES IN YOUR MEALS.

  2. Yogurt
    sugar cravings
    Try yogurt for school kids

    Pure, natural yogurts, not the watered down overly sweetened stuff. Yogurt provides pro-biotics and vitamin B essential for proper function of brain tissue. You could get some Greek unsweetened yogurts, even the locally made variety that’s much fresher. Add fruits to sweeten and let your kids indulge.

  3. Eggs
    eggs for memory
    Switch up your egg game

    Choline is a nutrient necessary for proper functioning and development of the brain. Choline as well as other beneficial proteins are found in eggs, which are quite easily available. Try out some creative and healthy recipes to give your kids eggs.

  4. Fish
    Salmon as well as sardines are great for memory boosting.

    Sardines, Salmon, Tuna and mackerel are some great sources of vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids. Both help in protecting the brain from the ravages of memory loss and decline with age. At least 2 to 3 servings of coldblooded fish per day is recommended for your child’s health.

  5. Beans
    different types of beans and legumes
    Diagonal stripes of brown shaded beans

    Are a very healthy source of proteins believed to boost memory. The abundance of proteins in beans and also their ability to stabilize glucose production makes them a great choice. Kidney beans, black beans and other lentils are great for your kids.

  6. Oats

    Oatmeal isn’t only great for weight-loss and a light breakfast. Oars are a great breakfast options for kids, especially as you can add some milk and fruit. Even better, research shows that kids did better with memory tests after having oats.

  7. Nuts
    Rich in vitamin E and great for reducing the effects of age on the brain.

    Seeds and nuts have been repeatedly proven to be great power-houses of nutrition. They also serve as mood boosters and could help the kids feel better about school. Healthy fatty acids and proteins also help in boosting IQ. Peanut butter is a great source of nutty goodness. Soy is also highly recommended.

  8. Whole grains
    Whole grain servings and bread
    Different whole grain options

    Feed them more whole grain cereals. The vitamins B, glucose and fiber combination of whole grains are a great treat for your child’s brain.

  9. Berries
    Great brain food

    Whole, organic berries have been shown to be exceptional for brain health. Extracts from both blue and strawberries were found to improve memory. When combined with the seeds in the whole foods.

  10. Avocados
    Healthy fats. Fat make up about 50% of brain matter.

    Fat rich, omega 3 containing and high in vitamins A C E K, Folate and vitamin B 6, all which are useful for brain development and good memory.

These foods are easily obtainable. Prepare or present in a variety of delicious ways. Creative new ways of presenting foods will definitely get your kids interested. Get planning and have a smooth resumption transition with your children.

Every parent wants their child(ren) to be very smart in school (if not the smartest), trying out these healthy options is actually a win-win situation for you and your kids. 

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