7 Surprising Beauty Benefits of Banana Peel on Your Skin

We’ve always heard about the amazing health benefits attached to eating bananas. Bananas combat depression, makes you smarter, relieve morning sickness, cure hangovers, protect against kidney cancer, diabetes, blindness and many more.  However, one which most of us are not familiar with are the beauty benefits of banana peel.

From providing a whiter teeth to providing a glowing skin, and treatment of acne and other skin problems, the peel of this amazing fruit shouldn’t be regarded as a waste but a secret beauty weapon. It is an amazing fact knowing that not just the flesh, but the whole banana peel is packed with powerful and beneficial nutrients, making it superb for skin care use.

benefits of banana peel

Here are the amazing benefits of banana peel on your skin:

Lightens Dark Spots: The high content of antioxidants and potassium in banana peels, makes it easy for dealing with scars. Separate its peels into long stripes and rub the inside layer of the banana peel on your scars directly in circular motion to allow the nutrients to get absorbed into the skin. Wipe the area clean using a moisten washcloth.

Acne Treatment: Rubbing banana peels directly to your acne gives tremendous positive results. Banana is an extremely good source of Vitamin C that works as a good antioxidant and relieves the oxidative stress, which causes skin inflammation and itching. Take the banana peels and cut them into manageable size. Rub the inside of the peels over your affected skin to reduce acne symptoms.

Combat Puffy Eyes: While cucumbers are the popular way to fight tired, puffy eyes, banana peels can do the magic as well – just use them the same way, over your eyes, to give you a bright, freshened look.

As A Natural Skin Scrub: Banana peels makes an excellent scrub to gently cleanse your skin without rendering it dry. They provide added benefits of tightening the skin and prevent premature aging. Make a natural scrub at home by mashing 1 banana with spoon and adding 2 tbsp of granulated sugar and few drops of essential oil to it.

oily skin

Controls Oily Skin: If you have a greasy or oily skin, banana face mask is excellent to control oil secretion and render your skin clean. Banana works as a superb exfoliator and removes excessive sebum from the surface of your skin. Besides it also contains moisture and essential vitamins to give you clear and glowing skin. Make your own banana pack by mixing honey and lemon juice.


Whitens Teeth: Cut off a piece of the peel and rub the inner part gently over your teeth for a few minutes, then rinse off. Repeat 1-2 times daily for whiter looking teeth.

Brightens the Skin: The same way banana peel whitens the teeth, they can also brighten your skin. Gently rub the inner peel over your skin , or make a face mask with it by blending the peel and applying to your skin. Then rinse off afterward.

benefits of banana peel

Having learnt these amazing skin benefits of banana peel, I believe when next you eat a bunch of banana, you won’t just discard the peel ensure you see to reaping its benefits. It is recommended that you always make use of fresh banana peels for treating skin problems.


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