The Role of Balanced Diets in Preventing Chronic Illnesses

Did you know that there are currently about 1.2 billion people living with hypertension worldwide? In today’s world, chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, kidney disorders amongst others, have become rampant, affecting both young and old people. A number of factors such as genetics, lifestyle choices and socieconomic status play crucial roles in determining one’s risk of these diseases. However, one of the easily controllable factors in preventing these illnesses is diet. A balanced does not only help with body nourishment, but also protects the body against diseases.

Today’s post explores how eating a balanced diet helps fight off long-term diseases.

What is a Balanced Diet?

A balanced diet is essentially one that includes a variety of nutrients that are needed for optimal health. It incorporates an adequate proportion of healthy carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, proteins, minerals and healthy fats.

How Does a Balanced Diet Prevent Chronic Illnesses?

  1. Helps to keep an optimal weight: Excessive weight, simply put, obesity is a risk factor for chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension and other heart problems. A healthy diet rich in fiber and lean proteins helps you control your weight by making you feel full for longer. This reduces your urge to snack on unhealthy, calorie-rich foods. An optimal weight in turn reduces the stress on your heart to pump blood and lowers your blood pressure.
  2. Regulates Blood Sugar: Foods high in refined carbohydrates and sugars can cause spikes in your blood sugar levels. This, over time, causes your body cells to be resistant to insulin (the hormone that helps control your blood sugar level). A balanced diet on the other hand would incorporate foods that allow for gradual release of glucose into your bloodstream. This helps stabilze your blood sugar levels and reduces your risk of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
  3. Reduces Inflammation: Chronic inflammation has been associated with certain chronic conditions, including arthritis, blood vessel disorders and Alzheimer’s disease One of the major agents of inflammation in the body is free radicals. Think of free radicals as unstable molecules that cause a lot of damage to your body cells. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, which help to neutralise these free radicals and consequently prevent inflammation.
  4. Boosts Immunity: The immune system heavily relies on vitamins, minerals and proteins to function optimally. A balanced diet ensures the availability of nutrients such as ascorbic acid, zinc and selenium which promotes immune cell production and repair. This helps prevent frequent illnesses and lowers the risk of certain infections morphing into chronic diseases.
  5. Safeguards Immunity: Weight control Is not the only way a balanced diet helps your heart. Among many other things, a balanced diet also helps provide fiber, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids. These helps maintain healthy arteries, lower the levels of bad cholesterol and ultimately improve your overall heart function.

Remember that a balanced diet will always be a vital fighting tool against chronic illnesses. So invest in your health and prioritize nutrient rich foods today– your body will thank you.

Related reading: Eating a Healthy Diet for a Healthy Heart.

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