Keeping blood sugar under control is undoubtedly essential for the prevention and management of diabetes. And while one’s diet is often implicated in elevated blood sugar levels, it is possible to enjoy delicious meals while simultaneously keeping your blood sugar within safe ranges. Here are 5 common Nigerian foods that can help with your bloods sugar:
1. Unripe Plantain
Unripe plantain is one of the foods recommended for the prevention and management of chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension. It particularly contains resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that does not cause sharp spikes in blood sugar levels. Unripe plantain is also rich in fiber, which helps slow down digestion and regulate blood sugar. You can enjoy this food in different forms, including boiled, roasted or as a healthy porridge.

2. Beans
Beans, particularly brown beans and black eyed peas are a rich source of protein, fiber and carbohydrates. They have a low glycemic index. This means that they release glucose into the bloodstream slowly, thus keeping blood sugar at optimum levels. In addition to this, they provide the body with minerals such as zinc, iron and phosphorus. You can enjoy this meal in different ways that appeal to your preference, including akara (bean cakes) with minimal oil or moi moi (bean pudding).

3. Okra
Okra is a local vegetable, common among both the Yorubas and Igbos. It is a favourite delicacy in many Nigerian homes. Okra is rich in fiber and has also been found to lower blood glucose levels by slowing down sugar absorption. For optimal benefits, okra is best consumed with minimal oil and paired with whole grain swallows like wheat.

4. Bitter Leaf
Known as Ewuro by the Yorubas and Onugbo by the Igbos, Bitter Leaf soup is a Nigerian delicacy that is not only delicious but also healthy. It is particularly renowned among many cultures for its medicinal properties. It helps control blood sugar by improving the body’s sensitivity to insulin (the hormone that drives sugar from the blood into the cells) and reduces sugar absorption.

5. Ofada Rice
Unlike the more popular white rice, Ofada rice retains its natural nutrients, including vitamins, fiber, and minerals like zinc and phosphorus. The high fibre content helps improve digestion and improve sugar absorption. It also helps promote bone health, reduces cholesterol levels and lowers the risk of breast cancer. You can enjoy the rice with Ofada sauce, vegetables and other healthy soups.

Ultimately, this list is not exhaustive as there are many other locally available Nigerian foods that are helpful for your blood sugar and overall health. Ensure to talk to your nutritionist and dietician for more information on foods that are tailored towards your health needs.
Related reading: 6 Nigerian Foods that Can Help Deal With Hypertension
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