How to Stay Healthy in the Rainy Season

Image source: Unsplash

For many people, the rainy season is arguably a much-needed break from the dust, heat and dryness of the first half of the year. Indeed, the rains have come, with lower temperatures, fresher air and every other thing that makes you sleep at night — literally. But the season also comes with unique problems to your health, from the common cold to allergies and even malaria. And if you are not careful, the rainy season can become unpalatable and difficult to navigate.

Here are six tips to help you stay healthy this season:

Keep Warm

The cold weather can be enjoyable sometimes, but remember that the drop in temperature can impair your body’s ability to fight off infections, thus predisposing you to diseases. Now is the time to embrace warm clothings such as sweaters, jackets and turtlenecks. Children are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of this weather, owing to the nascent nature of their immune systems, so ensure to keep them warm too.

Keep the Waters Flowing

The rains come with a lot of floods and stagnant waters. These waters can serve as breeding sites for mosquitoes. So ensure to keep the waters flowing by clearing all drainages and disposing of refuse appropriately. Also, fill all holes around your house to eliminate the potential sites for stagnant waters.

Stay Clean and Dry

Good hygiene is a prerequisite for healthy living. This is even truer in the rainy season. Avoid getting caught in the rain. But if you do, make sure to have a bath after, as rain water is not exactly clean. Always have an umbrella with you and remove wet clothes as soon as possible. Furthermore, avoid wearing damp footwear, as this can make you prone to fungal infections. Do not allow your children to play in the rain, and if this somehow happens when you are not present, ensure to give them a warm bath.

Eat Healthily

Food borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid are more common in the rainy season. So, avoid patronizing food vendors with questionable hygiene practices. This also applies to drinks, especially the locally- made ones such as Zobo. In addition, if you drink from a well, ensure to boil the water adequately before drinking.

Do Away With Handkerchiefs

Allergies and the common cold are common in the rainy season, and with them comes the urge to always carry a handkerchief around. But handkerchiefs are not exactly your best partners in this season, as they can aid the spread of diseases. When you have a runny nose and continually blow your nose into a handkerchief and put it back into your pocket, you inadvertently create an environment for germs to thrive. A better alternative is to blow your nose into a piece of tissue paper and discard appropriately. Remember to watch your hands afterwards too and cover your mouth and nose with the crook of your shoulders while sneezing.

Drink Enough Fluids

There is the tendency to drink less water during this season, but it is important to keep your body hydrated at all times. So, ensure to drink enough water – whether you are outside or indoors. Drink warm drinks such as tea as they serve the dual purpose of keeping you hydrated and preventing you from catching a cold.

Ultimately, remember that maintaining an optimal health during the rainy season requires a proactive approach towards feeding, personal care and hygiene. This does not only keep you healthy, but also gives you an enjoyable rainy season experience.