Calculating your BMI (Body Mass Index)

Body Mass Index otherwise known as BMI is based on the height and weight ratio of an individual and it can also be used to estimate the overall health of an individual.


BMI is calculated by dividing the person’s weight in kilograms by the square of his/her height in meters. It is very important to know your BMI because if the body mass index of an individual is high, the fellow is at risk of several ailments such as female infertility, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease among others. In the same vein if it’s too low, then it could be a sign of malnourished diet, and maybe an indicator of a more serious health condition.

The interpretation of BMI calculations is stated below:

  • When the calculated BMI is equal to or less than 18.5, then the fellow is said to be underweight.
  • When the calculated BMI is within 18.5 and 24.9, then the fellow is said to be normal weight.
  • When the calculated BMI is within 25 and 29.9, then the fellow is said to be overweight.
  • When the calculated BMI is 30 or greater than, then the fellow is obese.

It is advisable to calculate and keep a check on your BMI regularly and strive to maintain a healthy weight.

BMI is generally said to be one of the best ways to determine if one has a healthy weight. It is applicable to both male and female, young. It is very simple to calculate and although it does not give an exact measurement of body fat, it is more precise than if you use your body weight alone. It can be done by self and gives a range of how “normal” your body weight is. Thanks to technology, we have BMI calculators every where online. You can easily check your BMI, assess your weight and take precautionary measures when necessary.

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