Controlling High Blood Sugar : How To and How Not To

High blood sugar is a major cause of diabetes. It occurs mostly when your body is not producing insulin enough to transport sugar from the blood to the cells.

However, this post is not for cases of one-time high blood sugar, rather, it is for those who have been diagnosed, and the root cause known.

Controlling High Blood Sugar : How To

1. Insulin : Insulin injection is the fastest way to lower your blood glucose level. However, you will need to work with your doctor to know when to inject, how to inject and the dosage to use.

2. Regular Exercise : The importance of regular exercising cannot be overemphasized, as it helps to increase insulin sensitivity and it also causes the muscles to use up more sugar, thereby reducing its quantity in the bloodstream. You should make regular exercising a lifestyle, rather than a one-time effort to reduce blood sugar.
3. Regular Water Intake : Drinking water regularly helps to keep you hydrated. It may also help to lower your blood sugar, and also reduce the risk of diabetes

4. Manage Stress Levels : High stress level can affect your blood sugar level. The body secretes hormones that can trigger your blood sugar levels during stress, for instance, glucagon. Some of the ways to manage stress are exercising, relaxation, laughing it out, etc.

5. Good Fiber Intake : Fiber consumption helps to slow carb digestion and sugar absorption. A diet high in fiber can help in improving blood sugar control and also reducing the risk of diabetes. Additionally, of the two types of fiber, soluble fiber is said to be better in reducing blood sugar levels. Example of foods high in fiber are whole grains like wheat, vegetables, fruits etc.

Controlling High Blood Sugar : How Not To

1. High Carbohydrates Intake : When carbs are consumed, they’re broken down by the body into sugars (mostly glucose), and then insulin moves the sugars into cells.

When the consumption of carbs become too much, or when insulin is not functioning as appropriate, there is nothing to move the sugar to the cells and blood sugar levels rise.

Also, consumption of sugar sweetened drinks should be avoided or greatly reduced as it can increase blood sugar levels and the risk of diabetes.It is important to manage your consumption of carbohydrates and stick to a healthy diet plan.

2. Overeating : Overeating leads to increased calorie intake and consequently, a rise in blood sugar levels. You should implement portion control, as it helps regulate calorie intake and can lead to weight loss. Weight control promotes healthy blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

3. High stress level : The body secretes hormones that can trigger your blood sugar levels during stress, for instance, glucagon. It is important to manage your stress levels.

4. Lack of quality sleep : Getting adequate and quality sleep is good for your health. Not getting enough sleep or rest can affect your blood sugar levels. It can also lead to fatigue, increased appetite etc. It is important to get both quantitative and qualitative sleep as it can help manage blood sugar levels and promote healthy weight.

Health is wealth; when you take care of your health, you take care of yourself.

Stay healthy.

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