Everything You Should Know About Orgasms and Pregnancy

Orgasm usually occurs after the stimulation of the genitals or erogenous zones of a man or a woman. It’s the peak of sexual arousal and causes intense feelings of pleasure and tension release. Several questions are tied to the role of orgasm other than the feeling of pleasure and bonding; this includes its function in achieving pregnancy and its advantages or disadvantages for a pregnant woman.

male and female orgasm
orgasms and pregnancy

Do You Need to Orgasm to Get Pregnant?

Not all women experience orgasms during penetrative sex with their partners. Female orgasms, in comparison with the males, are harder to achieve. A recent study reported that only about 18 percent of women experienced orgasm during penile-vaginal intercourse.

There have been several myths about how sexual climax improves one’s chances of achieving pregnancy, but they have been proven to be only just myths. Studies have shown that female orgasm is not at all a requirement for pregnancy. A woman can get pregnant even without having a climax during sexual intercourse.

Does This Mean Sexual Climax is Not Beneficial for Women?

Absolutely not. Orgasms have a lot of health benefits for women, such as:

  • Improving circulation to the pelvic cavity
  • Regulation of menstrual cycle
  • Promotes healthy reproductive hormone levels
  • Induces deep relaxation
  • Boosts immunity
  • Increases level of oxytocin (the bonding hormone)
  • Decreases stress levels

Even though sexual climax is not a requirement for achieving pregnancy, many of these benefits can make conditions more conducive for conception to occur. For example, a more regular menstrual cycle makes it easy to track ovulation when attempting to get pregnant. Also, the release of oxytocin during sex helps to improve the feeling of bonding with a partner and releases stress. Stress, especially for a long period in women, can affect ovulation negatively and chances of conception.

Is it Safe to Have Orgasms During Pregnancy?

Several women show concerns about the impact sexual climax might have on their pregnancy. Some fear that having sex and experiencing orgasms might harm the unborn child or even result in early labour. However, all of these concerns have been proven to be myths. It is safe to have sex during pregnancy, as studies have shown that there is no association of orgasms with preterm labour, low birth weight, or miscarriages.

You should note that it is, however, possible that your doctor advises caution or that you totally refrain from sex during pregnancy, especially if you are experiencing spotting or have an incompetent cervix.

Are Orgasms Safe Across All Trimesters?

A woman’s body undergoes a lot of changes during the first trimester; some women experience increased libido, while some experience a decrease. It is easier to achieve an orgasm during the first trimester, and it is also very safe. As women progress from the second trimester into the third, it becomes more difficult to achieve an orgasm or even have sex at all due to the increased propulsion of the belly. Some couples also fear inducing a “false labour” due to the contractions that occur during orgasm. However, this worry is unfounded. Even during the third trimester, it is very safe to have sex, likewise an orgasm.

A word from Healthfacts

If you are trying to conceive as a woman and have never had an orgasm or rarely do, do not worry. Many women have conceived and had children without having an orgasm. Also, for pregnant women across different trimesters who worry about having sex or experiencing an orgasm so as not to harm their unborn babies, there is absolutely no need to worry as long as your doctor does not advise against it.

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