Expert tips on handling menstrual cramps

One of the major, if not the most important sign, of having come into womanhood is when a girl begins to menstruate. Sadly, this comes with various degrees of pain which begin one to two years after a woman begins to get her period. Menstrual cramps, medically known as dysmenorrhea, often occur in women during their menstrual period or immediately before it. I have seen the pain some of my female friends have during “that time of the month” and I always imagined if there was something I could do in order to make the pain vanish somehow someway. Well, now maybe I can.
Women usually experience either the primary dysmenorrhea (which is the common menstrual cramp) or the secondary dysmenorrhea. In the experience of primary dysmenorrhea, the pain is commonly felt in the back or the lower part of the stomach. The degree of pain is from mild to severe and it begins prior to or at the start of the period and can last for up to three days. Usually, the pain reduces as the woman increases in age and may probably even stop after having her first baby. (I thought I heard a sigh of relief)
Secondary dysmenorrhea is a result of a disorder in the reproductive organs of a woman. The pain often starts earlier in the menstrual cycle and usually last longer than the common menstrual cramps.

What is responsible for common menstrual cramps?

They are caused by contractions (tightening) of the uterus (womb). If the uterus contracts too intensely during a woman’s menstrual cycle, it can push against surrounding blood vessels thus cutting off the provision of oxygen to the muscle tissues of the womb (uterus). Pain is the resultant effect of the brief lack of oxygen supply to the muscle.


Handling menstrual cramps

One of the common myths about a woman’s menstrual cycle is that nothing can be done about the pain. This is certainly not true. If you have pain during your menstrual period, you can do the following in order to ease your pain during “that time of the month”.
•    Regular exercise: Women who exercise as part of their weekly routine usually have less menstrual pain
•    Increased vegetable intake and low fat intake will help to ease your monthly cramps
•    Get sufficient rest especially when you need it. This will help relieve the pain when it starts.
•    Also, during your menstrual period, abstain from foods that contain salt and caffeine.
•    Avoid taking alcohol and smoking
•    You can also get a friend to help massage the lower part of your stomach and back
•    Placing a heating pad over the stomach has also been said to work in easing menstrual cramps.
•    Pain relievers like aspirin and ibuprofen will also do you a lot of good. However, note that you must take these drugs immediately the bleeding or pain starts in order to get the best result. Also, consult your doctor before using one.
I really feel like a super-hero right now; like I have helped you. Hopefully, you agree with me. If you do, please drop a comment of how this post has helped you and you can also share tips that you have found to work for you. Who knows, we can be the next set of “Justice league”. Also, feel free to share this post on all of your social media platforms.