World Diabetes Day: 5 Ways To Control Your Blood Sugar

World Diabetes Day is one among so many other important days in the world where health awareness is being created about one disease or the other.

Diabetes is the term used to describe a condition of the body associated with a rise in your glucose level.

Diabetes occurs when the pancreas can not produce enough amounts of insulin or the insulin produced does not act properly.

Although a serious medical condition, proper diet, and healthy lifestyle can, however, put diabetes in check.

Every November 14, the world celebrates the World Diabetes Day in a bid to raise awareness and provide affordable care to all.

The theme for this year’s World Diabetes Day is, “Women and diabetes” and it is set to promote the importance of affordable and equitable access for all women at risk for or living with diabetes to the essential medicines and technologies, self-management education and information they require to achieve optimal diabetes outcomes and strengthen their capacity to prevent type 2 diabetes.

So, if you’re looking to control your blood sugar, these tips will help you.

World Diabetes Day: 5 Ways To Control Your Blood Sugar:

1. Exercise regularly

world diabetes day

Exercising daily for about for at least for 30 to 45 minutes can help control your sugar level by helping you lose weight and increase insulin sensitivity.

When your insulin level increases, your cells are able to use the available sugar in your bloodstream in a better manner.

Activities like walking, running, jogging, swimming, dancing are some of the exercises you can consider.

ALSO READ: Can the risk of diabetes be cut down by fresh fruit intake?

2. Control your carb intake

world diabetes day

When you consume carbs, your body breaks them down into sugars (mostly glucose), and then insulin moves the sugars into cells.

So, consuming excess carbs will only result in a rise of glucose level in the blood.
Several studies have shown that a low-carb diet helps reduce blood sugar levels and prevent blood sugar spikes.

3. Portion control


Eating at the right time, the right quantity of food, not going on an empty stomach for long hours and not missing the meals and eating the appropriate amount of a balance carbohydrates, fats and proteins with fruits are as important.

However, as much as you want to eat what is right and eat it well, it is paramount you discipline yourself and control your portion.
Portion control helps regulate calorie intake which can lead to weight loss. This weight loss, in turn, reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes according to studies.

4. Manage stress

world diabetes day
With too much work and not enough time to take a break or recreational activities, we expose ourselves to many diseases of which diabetes is one.
Certain hormones like glucagon and cortisol are released when stressed which causes blood sugar levels to go up.

5. Try Apple Cider Vinegar to control diabetes

Apple Cider Vinegar has a lot of health benefits, one of such includes its ability to control blood sugar.

Studies have shown that it lowers fasting blood sugar levels, possibly by decreasing its production by the liver or increasing its use by cells and vinegar significantly influences your body’s response to sugars and improves insulin sensitivity.

However, before opting for ACV, it’s advisable to see your doctor.
These lifestyle changes are important, not just for those living with diabetes, but for everyone.