13 Foods That are Great for Managing Stomach Ulcers

Ulcers are commonly termed as the open sores that develop along the digestive system. This includes the oesophagus or lower throat, stomach linings and the intestines. Stomach ulcers pains could be quite a bummer. Having to suffer these pains on a daily basis is a scary phenomenon.

Recent studies have laid to rest the long-held beliefs that ulcers are simply as a result of stress. Haven discovered that ulcers develop as a result of certain bacteria; the Heliobacter Pylori.

Treatment for stomach ulcer now entails more of antibiotics. Acid blocking medication also come in handy to prevent stomach acid making the ulcers worse. Most ulcer patients get acid reflux.

woman holding stomach
stomach ulcers


The main aggravating factor responsible for developing ulcers is not clear since the bacteria exists naturally in most people. A fatty diet might play a role in aggravating the symptoms, however. It is quite possible that a high fat intake, as well as high salt in take, enable ulcer formation.

Over the counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory meds such as ibuprofen and aspirin are also responsible for certain stomach ulcers.

There is no specific diet created exclusively for ulcer patients. Since food choices do not necessarily cause ulcers, how can they help in fighting them? Foods that could inhibit the growth or the activity of the ulcer forming bacteria are the best to go for.

Some Foods that Help To Fight Stomach Ulcers

cruciferous vegtables
Foods that help reduce Stomach ulcer pains

Most of the foods on this list are considered mostly for their antioxidant properties. High fiber foods and lean meats are highly recommended for managing ulcers. Most foods come down to whether or not they make stomach acidity worse

  1. Cabbage
  2. Cruciferous veggies such as broccoli and brussel sprouts
  3. Plantains
  4. Honey
  5. Whole grain foods that are high in fibre.
  6. Fruits and vegetables
  7. Yogurt and other fermented foods
  8. Flavonoid-rich tea
  9. Eggs
  10. Peanut butter
  11. Lean meat.
  12. Cayenne pepper is also believed to have local anesthetic abilities even as spicy foods are generally avoided for ulcer patients, this one might help.

Foods to avoid

  • Coffee, both caffeinated and decaf
  • Alcohol
  • Milk; increases stomach acidity
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Processed carbs
  • Spicy and acidic food.



And sometimes, you can decide which foods work better for you from experience and which inflame the ulcers. Get rid of the foods that worsen ulcer, no matter how much you love them, till the stomach ulcer recedes.