3 Homemade Energy Drinks To Get You Going All Day

Energy drinks like Lucozade boost, Power horse, and the likes are what comes to mind at the mention of an energy boost, right?

Well, truth is, sometimes the body goes through some down times, experiencing reactions like weakness, headaches, and low-energy levels.

While gentle exercises like yoga can do the trick and restore you back on track, you can equally rely on these super cool homemade energy drinks to do the trick as well.

1. Citrus coconut energy boost

energy drinks

This drink (which comprises of coconut, banana, and orange) is great for boosting your energy level because coconut water combined with the banana contains high amounts of potassium to regulate and maintain a healthy cell activity and boost your energy while the orange contains antioxidant and fibre contents which is naturally good for the general well being of the body.

To make this drink, you basically need to combine 1/2 cup coconut water, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 ripe banana and 1/2 orange together. Blend and enjoy your energy drink.

ALSO READ: 5 Homemade Drinks That Will Help You Lose Weight Easily

2. Berry citrus energy drinks

energy drink

Berries contain natural sugar which is healthy for the body as it slowly releases energy in your body throughout all day long.
With very little ingredients, you can enjoy the taste of this great drink.

Combine 1 cup water, 1 cup mixed berries, 1 lime juice only and mint leaves together. Blend until it is smooth and enjoy.

3. Pineapple ginger mint juice

energy drink

Pineapple ginger mint juice doesn’t only help you boost your energy level, it also helps to soothe the digestive tract, helps whiten teeth and easing bad breath to name a few and it is loaded with anti-inflammatory, digestive-boosting and liver cleansing properties.

To make this drink, combine fresh pineapple with 1 fresh apple, fresh ginger, and fresh mint leaves. Blend thoroughly and enjoy.

The good thing is that these drinks are all natural. So, you can be sure there no side effects as you boost your energy while enjoying the great taste of these drinks.

Kehinde Omotosho is a content writer at healthfacts.ng who enjoys the punching sounds of the keyboard when conjuring words together to make a full entity. When she is not typing, she's examining a few fashion pieces and playing dress-up. Meeting people and smiling always are a few of her hobbies. For more details, send an email to info@healthfacts.ng