5 Easy Ways To Make Exercise A Habit

Everyone desires to make exercise a habit but moving past the “desire” zone to the “actualization” zone is a major set back for most.

Truth is, it isn’t all that difficult to start a fitness routine. After all, a good number of us have done it more than once. The problem lies with consistently sticking to the routine and making it a habit.

Often times than not, we actually quit because we get distracted by other things going on in our lives, or we don’t think we’re seeing the results we want to see quickly enough.

Exercising should, however, not be because of the awesome abs or toned tighs you stand to gain, but because of how you get to feel afterward (healthy and great).

Anyway, these simple tips will help make exercise a habit and a hobby for you.

1. Start with ridiculously simple and small exercises

make exercise

A good number of us, when starting an exercise routine, always start with lots of energy, enthusiasm, and ambition. However, doing too much, in the beginning, can lead to burnout, which eventually leads to quitting your habit.

So, start small and choose to be consistent.

2. Make it pleasurable by pairing it something you like

make exercise

Think about when, where, and how your workout can best and easily fit into your daily routine.

The truth is, if you associate a habit with pain, you will shy away from it. But if it’s fun, you’ll look forward to doing it.

Think about activities that you enjoy and how you can incorporate them into an exercise routine. For instance, you can watch TV as you walk/jog on the treadmill or play some great music as you exercise.

ALSO READ: 5 Simple Everyday Workouts To Help You Get Fit

3. Focus on the habit first, before result

Rather than focusing on how much weight you want to lose within a designated period or how many different workout routines you hope to achieve with a time frame, focus on building this new habit.

Try focusing on not missing out on your workouts in the first 6-8 weeks. Once you’ve achieved the type of person who doesn’t miss workouts, then you can worry about making progress and seeing results.

4. Commit to someone else

make exercise

Doing your exercises with someone or reporting to someone on a daily basis is another good way to make exercise a habit because it sort of makes you accountable, even though the benefits are actually for you to enjoy.

5. Give it at least 6 weeks

According to Rebecca Woll, manager of personal training at Equinox in New York City, it takes about 6 weeks to make exercise a habit.

“This is when you start to see aesthetic changes in your body,” she explains. “Once you see these changes you won’t want to go back to the old you!”

So, all you need do to make exercise a habit and a lifestyle choice is to follow these 5 simple steps. There you go!