A cleaner Nigeria is in our own-hands

A lot of diseases associated with this part of the world can be attributed to the state of the environment around us: our homes, streets, markets, and our surroundings as a whole. Apart from the fact that globally, planet earth and her inhabitants are being affected by global warming in one way or the other, there are peculiar issues with our immediate environment that are very detrimental to our health. A lot of these environmental challenges are self-induced. We will consider some of them.

dirty gutter

  • Deforestation, bush burning, burning up of fossil fuels: All these activities through air pollution lead to emission of greenhouse gases which contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer leading to global warming. In the bid to save planet earth, all domestic and industrial activities leading to emission of carbon should be checked.
  • Sanitation: Sanitation is not the responsibility of the government alone, it is our individual responsibility too. To maintain a healthy environment, it is advisable to avoid overflowing dustbins, exposed refuse dumps, and all forms of dirt in and around your home, this is because an unkempt environment can serve as breeding ground to disease-causing organisms.

As the lesson from the old story goes, “if each man can build the wall around of his house, then very soon, the city wall will be built”. In the same vein, our individual efforts count when it comes to promoting good health in our nation and preserving our planet.

  • Oil Pollution: Especially in oil producing areas like the Niger Delta and some riverine areas in Nigeria, oil bunkering is very common and this can result in oil spills, gas flares, pollution of water bodies. This poses great danger to you, planet earth, and members of the water bodies.
  • Logging of drainage with dirt: Otherwise known as gutters, most drainages are logged with dirt, plastic, nylon and all sorts of debris. These serve as a form of breeding ground for disease-causing agents, can lead to flood and erosion when the rains arrive, hence it is unhealthy both for us as individuals and our dear planet earth. The effects caused by drainage logging is ripple in nature.

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