Ketogenic Diet: How Good Is This Low-Carb Diet For You?

The ketogenic diet has made the rounds for quite a while, both locally and on the international scene. The Keto diet might still remain a mystery to some people or they have never even heard of it. What exactly does it entail?

Diets and weight watching are some of the most pressing issues for most working class and middle-aged people. A myriad of diets is embarked upon and advertised year upon year. weight loss has become a bit of a struggle in terms of the right way to go about it.

Before starting up on any diet, some basic goals and objectives must be laid out. These include;

  1. How much weight do you wish to lose
  2. Your time limit to reach this weight goal
  3. How much exercise do you involve in your daily or weekly routines
  4. What type of diet can you afford to start and maintain.
  5. How do you plan to keep the weight off and maintain a certain weight.

Starting a diet is an important decision which is often taken without serious consideration. Improperly carried out diets and abruptly stopped diets cam cause long-term health defects.

What Is The Ketogenic Diet About?

The ketogenic diet is designed around the body’s ability to make energy packets called ketones, out of fats.

The ketogenic diet is split into different types. The most common ketogenic diet is the low-carb or no-carb diet. By doing away with all sources of glucose, the body starts looking for alternate sources of energy. The body goes into a state called ketosis and breaks down fat deposits into usable energy packets; ketones.

In order to achieve ketosis, the individual must be on a low-carb and/or low protein diet. Whatever minute amount of carbs taken is quickly broken down and converted to blood sugar. Protein can sometimes be broken down into glucose also, and such are avoided.

A high-fat diet is the ideal ketogenic diet. The high-fat diet encourages the body to make use of the fats stored in the body. The fat usage encourages rapid weight loss.

On the ketogenic diet, there is a constant energy supply to the body even on little or no food. While the body is in ketosis, the same state as when fasting, there is rapid weight loss. This reduces hunger pangs even while having a steady energy supply.

A keto diet can be maintained for as long as possible. After achieving your ideal weight, carb intake can be gradually increased to about 50 to 100grams per day.

What to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

low carb foods
What to eat on a ketogenic diet

The main rule of a ketogenic diet is MINIMAL CARBS. Dairy products, meats, and seafood are best for a ketogenic diet. Foods high in natural fats and low in carbohydrates are recommended.

Green leafy vegetables, olive oil, eggs, avocados and some cruciferous vegetables make up an average ketogenic diet. On the average, daily carb intake should be kept below 50grams, at best 20grams.

Ketogenic diet avoids starchy foods and sweet fruits and drinks. No rice, pasta, bread, bananas, beer, soda or sweets.

Water is the best drink to go with a ketogenic meal, although coffee and tea are also allowed. Wine should be only on rare occasions.

Other Advantages of a Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic diet lowers blood pressure
Advantages of keto diet

The keto diet is not just aimed at weight-loss or control, but rather goes a long way in staying healthy. Aside from weight loss and improved energy, here are some other advantages to the keto diet.

  • Diabetes reversal
  • Improved physical and mental alertness
  • Reduced sugar cravings
  • Reduced heartburn and blood pressure
  • Smoother more beautiful skin
  • Control blood sugar
  • Possible epilepsy control
  • Improved stamina

However, know that you can not go on a ketogenic diet if;

  1. You are breastfeeding.
  2. If you are on blood pressure medication, you should confirm with your doctor before starting a keto diet.
  3. When on insulin medication, you might need your doctor’s approval before you begin a ketogenic diet.

Popular Nigerian Foods That are Good for Ketogenic Diets

  1. Egusi soups
  2. Beef
  3. Goat Meat
  4. Menshanu/local butter/ghee
  5. Avocadoes
  6. Fish
  7. Cucumber
  8. Okro soup
  9. Palm-oil
  10. Crayfish and prawns
  11. Eggs
  12. Kale and other green leafy vegetables