Mental Health and the Nigerian StartUp culture

In the past few years, the word entrepreneurship has really generated a lot of buzz among youths in Nigeria. Many young people have now come to embrace the word “StartUp”. Wikipedia has defined a startup company as an entrepreneurial venture which is new and growing fast with an aim to using innovative products, processes and services to meet a marketplace need.

The goal of every startup is to scale (grow and expand) very quickly. This drive has probably driven many startup founders into a lonely path. Well, it has actually been said that the entrepreneurship path is very lonely. Does it have to be?

Many founders already in the lonely path are battling with health challenges secretly because of the unhealthy lifestyle associated with the Nigerian StartUp culture. in partnership with held a tweet chat with Aramide Shittu (@ScarztoBeauti), a U.S based Nigerian mental health therapist on discussing Mental health and the Nigerian Startup Culture. Below are excerpts from the chat:

Learnt anything thus far?

And that was how it went. Interesting conversation. We also had a few comments from our audience

These are just excerpts. To get the full interview and other comments, you can use the #StartUpHealth on twitter.