Turmeric: 10 Amazing Benefits You Never Knew About The Superfood

You may or may not have heard about turmeric ever. But I’m pretty sure most Nigerians have come in close contact with a close relative to turmeric. Ginger is a common spice in mostly parts of the country, although its popularly grown in the north.

Tumeric is a root herb just like ginger, but comes in a darker yellow or orange. Unlike ginger, turmeric has an intense color that is used in both foods and dyes. Turmeric is the active ingredient that gives curry its signature colour, and is one of India’s biggest spices and exports. Indian curry is incomplete without this spice.

Many people swear by the health benefits of curry, and simply can not do without a bit in every dish. For some people it is unarguably the most powerful spice and herb. Lots of work has been is is still being carried out on the benefits of this colorful root.  What exactly are the vast benefits of this root, and what makes it so noteworthy?


Why Turmeric is So Healthy

The key ingredient in turmeric that makes it so beneficial is called Curcumin. Turmeric comes from the Curcuma Longa plant, and the dried root is ground to give the intense yellow powder. The active chemicals in turmeric are called Curcuminoids. These are the active ingredients that make a food more than just basic nutrition.

Turmeric happens to be such a wonderful health food option especially as it has very few side effects. And the manifestations of these side effects are surprisingly rare.


Benefits of Turmeric

  1. Prevents formation of Clots
    Blood clots can be avoided with turmeric
    Avoid blood clots

    People suffer various ailments and conditions due to the formation of blood clots. Clots form by platelet aggregation or concentration of platelets in a specific area. Studies in labs as well as animal trials prove that curcumin reduces platelet aggregation. By affecting the process of eicosanoid biosynthesis, curcumin one of the eicosanoids known as thromboxanes. This is the same mechanism responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties.

  2. Depression
    Battling depression

    Animal trials have showed turmeric as being beneficial in treating depression symptoms. The results are believed to be gotten from the action of curcumin on neurotransmitters. A 2014 study to determine reaction of major depressive disorder patients to curcumin gave some amazing results. The group was split between patients on curcumin, some on PROZAC and the others on both. Curcumin not only did as well as Prozac but didn’t have any adverse reactions. The combined patients had only negligibly better results. More studies into the use of this turmeric derivative have given similar results.

  3. Anti-Inflammatory

    Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties to rival even the most common pain relief drugs. Studies carried out to test its efficacy prove curcumin is a better anti-inflammatory than ibuprofen and aspirin. Inflammation is a necessary part of body processes, but it is the root of most disorders when its too frequent.

  4. Skin
    Black woman with clean skin
    Clean, Clear skin

    Turmeric is a natural anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory with numerous skin benefits. It reduces psoriasis, helps in healing wounds, fights acne and diminishes acne scars and generally improves skin appearance. Some studies say it can also clear scabies within a few days to a week. There are lots of turmeric combination facial masks being commonly used to get smooth skin. However, the powder could stain and you should don a patch test before using it.

  5. Arthritis
    arthritic leg
    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Due to curcumin’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, researches were carried out on curcumin’s effectiveness compared to the diclofenac in treating rheumatoid arthritis. It is widely known that diclofenac affects the heart and the gut. The study found that curcumin performed reasonably well in general overall improvement way better than those taking diclofenac. And even better, curcumin doesn’t need help from supplements to treat heart and gut setbacks. Although Rheumatoid Arthritis can’t be cured, curcumin is proving an effective substitute to the most common treatment.

  6. Diabetes

    A study on the effectiveness of turmeric on diabetes shows a high possibility of success at generating blood-sugar regulating compounds. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are quite efficient in lowering inflammatory diabetes markers. There were marked improvements in symptoms of diabetes shown by lab rats. The symptoms include neuropathic pain which curcumin supplements reduced significantly.

  7. Obesity
    Fight obesity

    Curcumin, according to Biofactors Journal, helps reduce fat cell multiplication. The anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the adverse effects of obesity.

  8. Pain Relief

    On another note, curcumin seems to be one heck of a pain-relief against arthritic flare-ups, joint pains, post-operative pains, and burns.

  9. Detox
    Get rid of toxic substances in your body.

    Turmeric is an awesome detoxifying herb. The average human encounters so much toxicity in the average day that could lead to a whole lot of ill-health. Adding a bit of turmeric to your melas will help reduce your susceptibility to these toxins. Help your liver be less stressed by toxins with the help of curcumin rich turmeric

  10. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

    Various intestinal and bowel disorders such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis cause a world of discomfort everyday. Studies show some improvement in conditions of patients suffering from either of these diseases upon taking curcumin supplements


The benefits of turmeric to the human body are simply astounding. Very few herbs have been studied more. Why not join the healthy bandwagon and get on the turmeric train? Want to try some Indian turmeric rich curry?