You Won’t Believe These Nigerian Foods Lower Blood Sugar

While heredity might play a role in increased blood sugar vs diabetes, other factors like diets and lifestyle are important as well.

Poor diet is either a direct cause or a significant factor in about 90% of all chronic and degenerative diseases and this is not far from the truth for diabetics especially true for Type 2 diabetes.

Just because you want to get your blood low doesn’t mean you should eat boring foods when there are a good number of healthy flavourful dishes for you to enjoy.

Here are 5 healthy and tasty Nigerian foods that can lower your blood sugar.

1. Milk

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Milk is high in calcium as well as other nutrients which are important for the daily body upkeep. However, going for unsweetened full-fat milk like coconut milk or almond milk which contains natural fat that can prevent your blood glucose levels from spiking is a much better option.

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2. Oatmeal

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Oatmeal is rich in magnesium which helps the body use glucose and secrete insulin properly.
Because it is high in soluble fibre, oatmeal also gives you all the nutrition you need without increasing your blood sugar level.

3. Whole grains

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Unlike refined grains which are rich are high in starchy contents, whole grains like brown rice, millet, and others are low in carbs and starch which helps control blood sugar making them better options for the white starchy grains.

4. Eggs

blood sugar

Eggs are perfect for controlling blood sugar, weight loss/maintenance because they contain a great dose of satiating protein, making them a better option for other sources of animal protein like meat.

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5. Beans

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Beans is a rich plant protein dish which combines high-quality carbohydrates, lean protein and soluble fiber which helps stabilize the body’s blood-sugar levels and keeps hunger in check.
Studies have also shown that type 2 diabetes patient who ate beans more often had reduced blood sugar than those who didn’t.

Kehinde Omotosho is a content writer at who enjoys the punching sounds of the keyboard when conjuring words together to make a full entity. When she is not typing, she's examining a few fashion pieces and playing dress-up. Meeting people and smiling always are a few of her hobbies. For more details, send an email to