Yeah. Piles are usually known for the pain and discomfort they cause in the body. These pains do not occur; they are being triggered by certain factors. In this article, we will be examining piles and thus be able to confirm whether or not they truly are a “pain in the ass.”
Piles or haemorrhoids as they known are swellings that occur inside and around your anus and your anal canal. Its symptom could range from mild to very painful. Though piles could settle down without treatment, but in most cases, treatment is required.
The following are the symptoms associated with pile:
- Pain in the anus
- Bleeding after passing out faeces
- Frequent stooling
- Headaches
- Weight loss(due to frequent stooling experienced, the individual gets to grow thin)
These uncomfortable pains could be caused by the following factors:
Too Much Sugar Intake: Regular consumption of sugar has been known to trigger pile. Too much sugar could affect the stomach and lead to the production of excess glucose; this could also lead to frequent stooling which also could lead to pile. Junk foods and other sugary foods should be avoided.
Constipation: Constipation also can be a major factor that could lead to pile. Poor bowel habits which is usually associated with constipation is also a factor.
Pregnancy: Amazing isn’t it? Pregnancy is also a factor that triggers pile. This is as a result of the pressure the growing baby impacts above the rectum and anus, and this can lead to hormonal change.
Hereditary Traits: A weakness of the wall of the veins in the anal region could be inherited.
Treatment and Care
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables:
It is recommended that individuals affected with pile should eat only foods that are beneficial to their health.
Fruits and vegetables help stimulate the bowel to help in the passing out of bodily wastes in the form of feaces.
Regular Water Intake:
Water serves many purposes and could work here while caring for individuals experiencing piles. These individuals are advised to take in more fluid. These fluid aids in cleaning up the system and thus removes unnecessary wastes.
Regular Visit to the toilet
It is advised that for persons experiencing piles, they should visit the toilet when necessary. Do not hold it in when you are pressed and also, try as much as possible not to spend too much time sitting on the toilet seat.
Ointments and creams could be applied around the anus to help reduce the pain that piles could cause.
In general, avoid anything that could lead to constipation.
When these treatments and care seem not to be working, it is recommended that you visit your doctor as a surgery which is usually the last option could be recommended.