Alcohol During Christmas? Is It Good For Your Health?

Christmas is upon us and this means different things to different people. For some, it is the time to share and spend time with family and loved ones. While for others, Christmas is time to unwind from work, party and have fun before the new year begins. Whatever it means to you, drinking alcohol during christmas is one common thing all over the world.

alcohol christmas

Research suggests that alcohol consumption is highest around Christmas and in last two weeks of December every year. People probably take more alcohol during Christmas due to the increased partying and festivities that accompany the season. In the same light, individuals increase their liquor intake in the last week of the year, as a coping mechanism for periods of self-reflection and evaluation.

In the midst of all that liquor, our mission is to remind you to put your health first.

Alcohol Can Harm You

Alcohol is not as inert and harmless as water; it can actively interact with your body and cause the following:

Alcohol Dependence

Alcohol is classified as a psychoactive substance. This means that it can cause chemical changes in the brain. It is these chemical changes that cause the ‘high’ and ‘lows’ associated with liquor. Prolonged and excessive alcohol use can affect the brain and cause addiction, similar to what happens with cocaine.

Alcoholic liver disease

Booze not only affects the brain, but it can also affect the liver and damage it over time.


Malnutrition is linked to heavy alcohol intake. A common one is Vitamin B1 deficiency, causing Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which can be life threatening.


Multiple evidence show that alcohol consumption is linked to an increased risk of various cancers.

Mental Health Problems

Frequent alcohol consumption may be a trigger for developing mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, etc. It may also increase the risk of homicide, suicide, assault and other violent behaviors.

Birth defects

Pregnant women should avoid alcohol, as much as possible, because it can negatively affect the baby’s development and may lead to conditions like fetal alcohol syndrome .

Alcohol may also have short-term effects like:

  1. Impairing judgement and increasing risk of making wrong decisions.
  2. Causing road traffic accidents and other accidents
  3. Miscarriage
  4. Acute toxicity which can be fatal
  5. Vomiting
  6. Headaches

What then is the verdict?

Should I Drink Alcohol?

If possible, avoid taking alcohol. The lesser amount you consume, the safer it is for you.

But if you must take alcohol, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommends that:

  • Men drink a maximum of 2 standard beer bottles of alcohol per day, while
  • Women drink at most 1 bottle per day.

Check Out These 3 easy and healthy drink ideas to try this Christmas!

A Word From Healthfacts

Pay attention to your alcohol consumption this holiday. Drink with moderation or skip the alcohol altogether.

We wish you a merry Christmas.