Zika Virus – What You Really Need to Know

Zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus (is spread to people through mosquito bites). The major carrier of this virus is the Aedes mosquito. The disease has similar clinical signs to dengue. Apart from being transmitted through mosquito bites, Zika virus can also be transmitted to humans through blood transfusion, sexual transmission and perinatal transmission.



The symptoms of Zika Virus can last for about a week and they include:

  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Rash
  • Joint Pain
  • Non-purulent Conjunctivitis


This virus outbreak has been recorded in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands and the Americas. Since the parasite that spreads the virus is found throughout the world, it is likely that this virus will spread into new countries.


There is no medicine yet for the treatment or prevention of Zika. The only preventive measure one can take relies on reducing the breeding of Aedes mosquitoes and minimizing contact between mosquito vectors, though treatment is focused on relieving the symptoms. It is advisable to either use mosquito repellent, mosquito nets or to stay in places with proper air conditioning.