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Natural tips to enhance your skin.

A lot of folks especially among the black race use whitening creams and bleach their skins all in a bid to enhance their looks. In this...

Essential Benefits of Physiotherapy

We don’t have to wait to go see a physio for those of us who knows who a physio is, and for those of us...

Cranberries: The Super Food

In the quest for better health, there are also many choices that we are forced to make. As far as healthy foods go, cranberries are...

Safety tips for your Bathroom

Having earlier shared certain hazards in the kitchen and precautionary measures, I would also love to share with you that of the bathroom as...

Amazing health facts you did not know about Zobo-drink

Zobo drink is one of the most common beverage drink. It is local to the Nigerian people and is made from Roselle leaves or Hibiscus...

Usage of Earphones and The Hidden Danger

  It is a well known fact that music is good for the health, as it lightens up the soul and spirit and brightens up...

A cleaner Nigeria is in our own-hands

A lot of diseases associated with this part of the world can be attributed to the state of the environment around us: our homes,...

How Oversleeping can be Dangerous to your Health

From dealing with insomnia- the inability to sleep, to dealing with oversleep. One would ask; "Is there anything like too much sleep or oversleep?" A...

Health Benefits of Garlic

Growing up, the oozing sensational feeling of consuming garlic made me hate it so much. For a plant to smell so bad after consumption...

Generator Fumes and the Danger on our Health

Due to the poor supply of electricity in Nigeria, generators have become a major source of power supply. Most offices, homes, shops are now...