The holidays are here again! This season is usually loaded with lots of eating and drinking. Unfortunately, some people may not be able to in this season enjoy the full luxury of eating and drinking at will.
There is a medical condition known as sensitive teeth. This is a teeth condition whereby a person causes pangs of pain and discomfort when the teeth is under some extreme conditions; such as when the affected tooth comes in contact with a cold, hot, or sweet substance(s). Pain may also be felt when the affected tooth comes in contact with other teeth or the tongue.
Sensitive teeth is a very common teeth condition among dental patients. It is usually a sign of bacterial presence inside the tooth. Bacteria and other harmful microorganisms can find their way into the teeth via tooth decays, worn fillings, disease of the gum and other teeth condition that exposes the dentin of the teeth.
The dentin of a tooth contains a tiny tube with a nerve branch, so when this dentin is exposed or thinned, it leads to sensitivity; as the food or drink that triggers the pain comes in close contact with the nerve branch. The dentin of a healthy tooth is covered by cementum below the gum-line and enamel above the gum-line, exposure of the dentin simply is when these coverings are thinned or removed.
There are other harmful habits that lead to the exposure of the dentin, some of them are:
- Tooth grinding.
- Receding gums.
- Tooth whitening products.
- Too much acidic drinks and food.
- Using hard-bristled toothbrush or brushing too hard
- General poor oral hygiene
The solution to teeth sensitivity is basically providing a covering for the exposed dentin, as a major cause of teeth sensitivity is root exposure. As a home remedy, there are toothpastes specially produced for teeth sensitivity, they contain components that block tubes in the dentin, covering it up from undue exposure. Regular use of these toothpastes should lead to a less sensitive teeth.
Maintaining proper oral hygiene such as brushing twice daily and when necessary, using the right type of toothbrush, use of floss is also essential. Use a mouth guard at night to prevent teeth grinding. Stay away from highly acidic foods and drinks.
If after all these steps, there is no noticeable change or you still experience severe pain and discomfort, it is advisable you visit your dentist. He/she will properly diagnose you and treat you accordingly.