Beware Computer Geeks!
This past week, had a short chat with a few staffs at a tech hub somewhere in Lagos. We discovered a couple of...
When More Sugar is good – Hypoglycemia
I recall an event that happened when I was a student at a western varsity in Nigeria, it was a night before our final...
The Nigerian Bachelor and a Healthful Eating Habit
Many young lads(fellows) would prefer to witness the bachelor stage at a certain point in their lives before engaging in marriage. We all know...
A Specialist’s Advice On Weight Loss.
"A lot of people have been thinking about ways to shed weight , some have been doing it right while others have been facing challenges....
Amazing Benefits of Bitter Leaf
Bitter leaf, also known as Vernonia Amygdalina which is also known for its bitter taste as the name implies. Well, underneath that bitterness, are...
Negative Effects of Bad Sitting Postures
Posture is the way you position your body while sitting, standing, sleeping or walking. A bad posture contributes negatively to our health. Here we...
What you need to know about Rhesus Factor
Rhesus factor is a type of protein fixed by your genes found on the surface of red blood cells. Rhesus-positive means a protein, D-antigen...
The Brain: Left and Right Hemispheres
The human brain is divided into two hemispheres: the left and the right hemisphere. Scientists continue to explore how some cognitive functions tend to...
Experts close 300 Open Heart Patients without Surgery
A remarkable feat in the treatment of patients with hole in the heart was recorded by experts. About 300 hole in the heart patients...
Abdominal Obesity (PotBelly)
As some people say, pot belly is a sign of good living and indicates the person is rich. Well, that’s long gone. Pot belly/Abdominal...