Breast Cancer ;What you need to know about a painless lump

What is breast cancer? Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the cells of the...

Everywhere Steeew!!! Put Your Rice Game on Fleek With Banga Rice

It really is the "steew" season and we all are loving it. Lately we've all been of the vibe to have everything hot and...

Tonsillitis: what to look for and how to treat it

Okay, tonsillitis is an important condition, especially if you have kids. The tonsils are a pair of lymph nodes that you will...

These 5 Habits are Damaging Your Kidneys

The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs in your body. They function to filter harmful substances from your blood and turn...

Bee stings are not common ; but what do you know?

Bee stings are not so rampant nowadays. But, peradventure you find someone stung by a bee, do...

Test your knowledge on malnutrition in pregnancy!

Malnutrition in pregnancy is a global issue but particularly prevalent in developing countries.

Are all breast lumps breast cancer?

So you just found a lump in your breast, does that mean you have breast cancer? Read below to find out more-

Hello world

Guava is super rich in Vitamin C, check this out!

Guava,( Psidium guajava) is a tropical fruit, that is native to Mexico and Central America. In Nigeria, guava is grown...

Safety Swimming Tips For Inexperienced Swimmers

Swimming is one of the most effective full body workouts ever. Diabetics, arthritic people and even pregnant and old people can get some cardio...